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This is a BETA version of website. Some of the functions may not work as indented. Please write us on our email if you face any issue. We will be extremely thankful for your valuable feed. 

Update 1.7                                                                                                           11/05/2023
- New Delivery Order system is working ( BETA version )
- Improvements in order scheduling has been made
- Terms and Conditions information display for customers has been added 
- Rating System under development 


Update 1.6                                                                                                          22/03/2023
-Feedback system is working ( BETA version )
- Dish images have been removed to enhance speed and improve user experience 
- New rating and review system under development for the website 


Update 1.5                                                                                                          22/03/2023
-Work on feedback system has been started 
- Technical improvements has been made and bugs are removed


Update 1.4                                                                                                          22/03/2023
-Timing of restaurant has changed. New timings has been updated on website 
- Phone numbers updated ( Phone line is working again)


Update 1.3                                                                                                          20/03/2023
-New option to select between Beef/ Lamb added 
- Phone numbers updated due to telephone line fault


Update 1.2                                                                                                          02/03/2023
-Option to select Spice level has been added
- Description  box to add additional details about Order is added and will become functional within next few days

Update 1.1                                                                                    02/03/2023
Website functionality restored to normal. 
-Order and Booking Features now working properly.

Location Anchor
Call anchor for tassie dhaba
Instagram Link
facebook button
Whatsapp button to contact tassie dhaba

              03 6300 8106
 102 Weld St, Beaconsfield, 7270

©2023 Tassie Dhaba proudly created by Harjot Singh

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